bought twins today
I have to work i cannot go to the ocean and play all day!!!
going to bed i 12 minutes!Ridå
today in cups and glass
Back to the future.
Someone blame me about things over 20 years ago...such stupid,i had actually nice week and day..but this evening..ruined by the stupid woman!
slowly recovering
The future...
i need a new face
i dont know if i hate sun or rain most
home sweet home
nature called me too
No more sun on my skin!
pour myself a cup of ambition
Nature Calling
showing my mother sunset
its over,but ill guess it soon will begin
Dogs are a girls best friend!!!
one more day
There are mountains in our way, But we climb a step every day...
Love will tear us apart
trying to find motivation
gagnef redux
Bat Out of Hell
where can i buy some watermonkeys?
If I were a boy...
The Ba guan zi result,do you still want it Linda?

Now; A Political Message From The Comfort Of My Studio
key to the fields
My New Cell
I lOVE Ba Guan Zi! I've got a pian on shoulder,now better,but i've got pain on back too,i will do tomorrow:)
New Name Card
giving away my youth and nails to work,depressing to think about
Oh,i worship him!
More black than white.
i need only happy things
The sheriff is on my trail...
Ha er bin was much cooler,almost like in fall:)
Was in Ha er bin,see,that's my cousin,we are all round:)
Echo and that other guy
I see a darkness.
I Feel the Earth Move...
the box
about gardening
I forgot it again,2010-07-08!!!
saving the planet
the missing face
prins korv
Always Alone.
the work face,but changed the top because it was just too much
Home alone!
i give you yesterday,tomorrow is gone
too late again...
Face me.
leaving home
i saw the light
Strobe Face.
July 1 Blood, Wine, Karaoke...
The Essence of Pre-vacation Productivity
Taking Drugs to Make Music to Take Drugs to