its a vercase



L and A I miss U

i think i've lost a bit weight..gaga~

To all the sweet face to day girls!

China watch out! Three generations special friend for U

With or Without You!

the trouble

Coming-of-Age day

fucked, not in a good way

Talking won't help things happening...even imagination is beautiful...

korvar och lampor

hjärtskärande utlevelse, makalös tolkning av det klassiska dramat

GREETINGS from great wall 1/7 Wonders of the World

Baking cupcakes!

Oh,i put this face for Anna,so beautiful~


Oh.The Book,Friends,of course Linda and me...

my chinese husband

The End Face.

Beijing Opera Mask


vitt på vitt

not so smart anymore, welcome introduction to government

pax vobiscum

Routinization of Charisma

He is the teacher working in Taipei and over 60,still loving to look kool~haha

yes you can mix red and pink

Why does it work, when I don´t care so much about it!!!

no past and future

pre bike ride and one for linda


The deadening effect of some routine tasks.

Hyaena hair colour!

trycker do not disturb knappen

en lyckad natt men även givetvis lite it's gonna rain

Welcome Rabbit year~

le vernis 509 PARADOXAL

Mona Lisa Lotion

Bad Movie!


For my grandma...

That was in Australia flooding...

medieval times-already 46


For my dear Grandma! She dead last night,she was so beautiful~she was 91Y.O.

I Love You Ylva!

First Class, Free internet, choklate and coffee

having Stockholm syndrome in Beijing

herclues' theme

Still hung over!

hung over

I Should Have Stayed Home...

Going Down Town!

distracted all day,but apparantley in love withmyself,it is really scary

I forgot this one,i've made..ops~


This is the pervert...

I give up!

Hej Linda i think you also always doing this way when taking photos?

Magic Pants

we belong together

What is this what is this what is this?

Romance river(och herregud vilken inställsam och falsk bild på mig själv)

Rubber boot flasher!


night shift

you bring gifts and get gifts
Are you in LOVE with him?

Mandarin for beginners

Oh God, it's raining but I'm not complaining...

look, this is not going to work. you don't have facebook or a tv.

The Beibei

disaster day but also fantastic day!!!

I wish it was Friday!

Smily face, is getting old.

the 22

doppelganger? (brother and sister)

Chatting with Linda in office...

inte bara bio-frukost

Dancing on my own

den fula ankungen


Should I marry him? My favorite one?

heres your doppelganger Ylva and Jeanette!

I´m home alone and I found an old banana in my bag.

We missed you yesterday Linda! And a doppelganger for u Linda!

the ordinary angelic light day

note to self:always wear makeup

when we reach for love

Did you miss me?

Oh,LInda i've see someone has same hair as Joe does

when i die

Suzie Wong Dinner

testing 1,2,3

Suzie Wong breakfast

five thousand years of bitterness

food and face

The Barbies...

To ugly for colour.

Linda's Face Today

I am gotta go meet Linda now!

I cant´t find my blond wig! And my left eye hurts!

Oh,the old inspiration

Oh,the old inspiration

testing 1,2,3

Hello Hot Yoga Year!

happy new year

Hej Linda,where did you go?
Helloooooooo....Where did you go? What happened?
Oh,the photo i like

home alone with the yellow fever,and i dont understand the dvd,total tragedy

For the Lucky New Year