Bnei Brak

Oops- This is Lior everyone, not Naomi. Apologies!
Is Bnei Brak the town you live in,excuse me for trying to be extra smart and google it!?
Bnei Brak is an orthodox Jewish city in Israel. I don't live there, but I teach their mayor twice a week. When the pic was taken I was on the bus back home, standing next to two orthodox men who took up 4 seats by spreading their things around and didn't even bat an eyelid at my (elegant!) attempts at keeping balanced...
Who might I say is asking by the way?
Oh sorry i missed the namething so are you a teacher,i read it was a very orthodox city,but it seems very extra unpolite to be an orthodox men and dont give away a place to sit!?
Oh hey Linda!
Yes, you would expect people educated in religious values to at least follow the basic interpersonal ones!
By the way, I LOVE your drawings!!
Thank you Lior I love your pictures!!
And i very curious about your life and i hope dont offend you in any way by asking stupid questions about jungle gyms and cities with exotic names!
Ask away! Always happy to answer.