This is my face in the dust-storm:(

Postat av: L
Im so jealous of the dust storm!
Postat av: Anonym
linz!! Did you hear that,many of them are jealous! hehehe...i feel cant breath!
Postat av: H
Me to, jealous.
Postat av: Linz
Jealous? Can we change places hehehehe....
Postat av: carin
jealous. and you look so clean.
Postat av: carin
jealous. and you look so clean.
Postat av: Anonym
Yes very clean,is it possible to show more dramatic pictures from the sandstorm,since im beeing so jealous.Also i love this one !but more more more sandstorm im so curious about how it looks!?
Postat av: Linda
I need more Linz!!