Tuesday-The Real Deal;) You know it,don't you?

好费心啊 哈哈 这个要加精
WOW I love this one Beibei!!What a great idea!!
Yeah Linda! That was the idea that i wanna say...whoever you are infront of others,actually you are you.
cool, you abselutely got the idea abt the life.
Making faces! Yes.
Dear,yes,i wanna say: Please accept yourself as who you are,please enjoy who you are,even when we have to cover our face sometimes,still,we've got the real us to be enjoy with:)
i love this beibei! and i must say you have the most beautiful name. does it have a meaning?
Hej Carin! Thanks! My name,oh,my name means flower bud:)
hahaha very fantastic
Yes,so many people are fake nowadays! They are so afraid of telling people who the truth they are. They use the nice dress,great careers,or living luxury to cover themselves... too fake!